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Peter Connelly - Site web commémoratif en ligne

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Peter Connelly
Né àUnited Kingdom
1 year
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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Peter Connelly (also known as Baby P) who was born in United Kingdom on March 1, 2006 and passed away on August 3, 2007. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Peter Connelly was a 17-month old boy who died in London after suffering more than 50 injuries over an eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by social services. Baby P's real first name was revealed as "Peter" on the conclusion of a subsequent trial of Peter's mother's boyfriend on a charge of raping a two-year-old. His full identity was revealed when his killers were named after the expiry of a court anonymity order on 10 August 2009.

Peter's mother, Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend, Steven Barker, and Jason Owen (later revealed to be the brother of Barker) were all convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child, the mother having pleaded guilty to the charge. A court order issued by the High Court in England had prevented the publication of the identity of Baby P; this was lifted on 1 May 2009 by Mr Justice Coleridge. An order sought by Haringey Council to stop publication of the identities of his mother and her boyfriend, was granted, but expired on 10 August 2009.




Peter Connelly was born on 7lbs 11 ounces on March 1st in Haringey London.

June, 2006
Peters mother meets a new may at a pub

July 17th, 2006
Peters father leaves their home in Haringey

October 13th, 2006
Peter is taken to the General Practitioner with bruising to the side of his head. His mother said he fell.

Sometime between
November/December 2006
Peters mothers 32year old boyfriend moves into the home.


11th December 2006
Peter was taken to the hospital with a head injury, bruising to the bridge of the nose, sternum, right shoulder and buttocks. Peters mother said he fell off of his seat. Peters case is referred to Social Services.

15th December, 2006
Peter is released to his mothers friend Angela Godfreys care.

19th, December, 2006
Peters mother and grandmother are charged with child neglect and assault.

December 24th, 2006
Social Services made five-minute checks to Peter and the mothers friend.

January 26th, 2007
Peter is returned to his mothers care while she is still on bail for assaulting the child.

For the next couple of months Peter is visited time and time again by social workers who noted bruises and injuries on Peter.

What they didnt know was the torture that Peter was suffering from his stepfather. Torture his mother covered up.

Peters stepfather would slice off his stepsons fingertips with a knife and pull off his nails with pliers. Peter had been kicked with a shoe to his private parts and his windpipe had been pressed down so hard it turned blue.

Peters stepfather would also bite at the little boys head and to train his Rottweilers to attack.

At night instead of a loving hug and kiss before bed Peter picked up off the floor and thrown into his crib.

At night Id hear him crying and head butting the wooden bars on his cot. It went on for hours.
-An eye witness to Peters torture.

During the day Peters stepfather would play with Peter as if he was a rag doll, often throwing the little boy from 6ft onto the ground.

One day however a loud snap was heard throughout the home..
Peters stepfather had snapped his back into two.


August 1st 2007
Peter is examined but a full examination is not done because the doctor said he was miserable and cranky. She did however note bruises on him.

What the doctor did not know was Peter had broken ribs and a broken back paralysing him from the waist down.

The last ever taken picture of Peter should have been a happy, blue eyed little boy loved.

Instead it is of a scared child, whose face has been smeared with chocolate to hide his injuries.

August 3rd, 2007
Peter was crying in his cot because he had been in urine and feces for days. His stepfather came in and said Ill sort it.

He went into the room and slammed the door shut.

Then Peter went silent.

Peter had been punched so hard in his face he swallowed his bottom tooth. It was later found in his stomach.

August 3rd, 2007
Peters mother calls for an ambulance .
Peter was found in a blood splattered cot.
Peter was taken to the hospital but He had already gone to Heaven.

An autopsy revealed Peter had severe cuts on his head caused by either a dog or human bite. He had bruises all over his body. Peter had bleeding on his spine with that was 48 hours old. He had blackened finger and toenails nails. One finger was missing a nail and the skin had been stripped.

He had eight broken ribs that were 1-2 weeks old. Skin was missing from the top of his tongue and lips caused by a blow. The skin between his upper lip and gum was torn and his tooth had been knocked out.

Peter was failed throughout his short life. Please remember him the next time you think a child is being abused. All children are precious and deserve a chance at life.

Galerie rapide
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